Employee Resources
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Win some money while donating for a good cause!
Beginning October 9th, we are starting our annual “Split the Pot” charity program.
We will be selling $5.00 tickets every week, or you can get three tickets for $10.00.
We will draw a winner on Fridays at noon. Half of the money collected from the sales
of the tickets will go to the winner of the drawing, and the other half will go towards
gift buying for families in need for the Christmas/Holiday season.
The first drawing will be held on Friday, October 13th. We will have these weekly
drawings thru December 1st (7 different pots. The last drawing will be for the week of
Thanksgiving through December 1st).
For anyone that doesn’t know how a split the pot works ; we will sell $5.00 tickets
each week, or three for $10.00. Each ticket that you purchase will enter you into the
drawing. For example, if $500 worth of tickets are sold by the end of the week, then
the winner of the pot will receive $250. The other $250 will go toward buying gifts
for children and mothers at Scholar House for the holiday season. The more tickets
that you purchase, the more your name goes in for the weekly drawing.
There will be numerous ways to buy your tickets. Onsite employees may see Angie
Bowyer in the shop, the Ford window (do not try to purchase tickets at the G.E.
window), and numerous people upstairs will have tickets. If you are unable to get a
ticket or work offsite, call Dora Beck at ext. 280 and she will arrange for you to get
your ticket(s).
You might make a little money and we will be helping families in need during the
holidays! If you win, we will contact you via phone. We will also put the winners and
how much they won in the company newsletter.
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Upcoming Holiday Schedule
The three company paid Holidays this year will be December 23rd, 26th, and January 2nd.
With that being said, we are expecting employees to work on the respective days if their dedicated routes are running. MAP, OHAP, and BEV (GA to Ypsilanti MI lane) are all scheduled to run production on 12/23 so most drivers at the Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee terminals will have lanes running Friday 12/23/22 and we need your support. **MAP is down for an extra week so any extra days for “supers” or “holiday” could prove helpful.
If you work on a paid Holiday, you will receive Holiday pay plus your standard daily pay.
Even with customers working, we have chosen to reflect the 23rd as a paid Holiday in the best interest of our employees. This will maximize your earning potential if you choose to file for unemployment for the week of 12/26. Again, Friday 12/23/22 is traditionally a normal working day for Ford Motor Company. The Louisville plants happen to be shutting down earlier this year for facility maintenance. We are currently not able to approve anymore time off requests for 12/23, unless there are changes to thed own time schedule. For any other time off requests, please request the time in Paycom as normal and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Customer Holiday Down Time (Subject to Change)
LAP 12/13/22 -1/2/23
KTP 12/22/22- 1/2/23
Detroit Chassis 12/22/22- 1/2/23
OHAP 12/24/22 – 1/2/23
**MAP 12/24/22 – 1/8/23
BEV 12/24/22 – 1/2/23
GE Production 12/23/22 – 1/2/23
GE Outbound 12/23-12/26
We do anticipate having light work the week of 12/26 for some customers. If you have questions regarding schedules or available work please contact your direct supervisor, scheduler, or driver manager.
On behalf of M&M Cartage, we would like to wish our entire team a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday.
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PeopleNet/Trimble Reminders!
If you are taking a vacation please make sure you access the PeopleNet portal at www.pfmlogin.com and click on ELD Driver portal to log in and certify your logs before returning. If you are on an extended leave of absence please log in weekly to certify your logs. The organization ID is 1724. Your username and password are the same as you use in the truck to log in.
Next, if you are getting a conflict message/alert and you are not able to correct it please contact Paula at 276 or Troy at 243. Lastly, unidentified drive time is still an ongoing issue. There are approximately 50 movements per week within our fleet that are unaccounted for. Per FMCSA all movements have to be accounted for. If you are moving a tractor for any reason and any distance you must log in to capture the drive time. If you have issues logging in and you have to move the tractor to get better signal then make sure you accept that drive time to your elog. Any questions contact a member of Safety. Paula at 276, Troy at 243 or Tracy at 210. Thank you and drive smart!
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Driver Referral Program
We currently have over 30 Driver positions that we are trying to fill for when Ford ramps back up. 15 of those are for day cab (non automotive customers), 10 of those include first shift, and 2 sleeper truck positions available. We need your help referring good, quality Driver candidates to our company. If your referral is a good candidate who gets hired, you will be rewarded! You will receive a $2000 bonus to be paid out $500 per quarter over one year, beginning after the new hire’s first 90 days of employment. The new hire must remain employed for the entire span of the program for you to receive your full bonus, so your continued support to the new hire is important! When your referral submits their application, ask them to include your name. Please contact Tyrone at ext 222 for more information.
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Driver Pay Increase Effective July 5th
Pay rates increased $2.00 per hour or .04 per mile
What great news and a way to start off the 2nd half of 2021!
Here is a quick recap of pay rates:
Day Shift: $23.00
Night Shift: $24.50
Weekend Crew: $25.50
Monthly Performance Bonus $1.00 per hour
Years of Service Bonus: $100.00 per year of service
How would you like to earn an extra $10,000.00 this year? Refer 5 qualified drivers that are hired and employed for 1 year. See Tyrone for complete details.
We have many positions available on all 3 shifts that serve our entire customer base, not just automotive. We have plenty of work for you and new hires.
The past year and a half have been trying for all of us. Covid-19 and the computer chip shortage have made a big impact on the company and most of your lives. The pandemic is under control and on its way out. The computer chip shortage is still problematic, but supply should start to improve in the next months. Hopefully, things will settle down and become stable.
Finally, we are very busy at the present time, even with downtime at LAP. There is a significantly larger than a normal request for “time off work”. Please reconsider these requests, especially if you are thinking we would have limited work.
We are very appreciative of all that you do. Thank you and please be safe. No distractive driving, please!
Don Hayden
P.S I hope to be announcing some other great news that I believe all of you will appreciate. Stay tuned!
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Please remember the rules and laws regard-ing the use of handheld devices while you are driving a CMV. That text, Facebook post, or tiktok can wait till you are at your destination. If you must answer a call, please use a hands-free Bluetooth device. Being distracted while driving a truck makes a lethal combination. Please be smart and think twice before pick-ing up that phone!
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In-Cab Pre-Trip Inspections
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DOT physical expirations and recertification
We continue to have drivers waiting till the last minute to renew their DOT physical which causes interruptions to the operations department; which ultimately leads to service failures to our customers.
Starting immediately, all recertifications must be completed 30 days prior to the expiration date and you must submit the Medical Examiner Certificate to the state that you are licensed in immediately. To assist in this process, we will be notifying drivers three months in advance of their upcoming expirations. If you have underlying medical issues such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, or prior cardiovascular disease, then you must obtain the proper documentation and/or release to safely drive a CMV from that treating physician prior to your recertification appointment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Safety Department.
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Verify your 2021 Insurance Benefits
It is your responsibility to verify that your benefits are correct for 2021. To check this, you will need to log in to Paycom and go to Benefits > Current Benefits > then scroll down till you see “Current 2021 Benefits”. You will see all of your active benefits for 2021 and will be able to access the dependents and/or beneficiaries for your elected plans as well.
Please make sure you have beneficiaries listed for your life insurance, Benefit Wallet account, and Critical Illness coverages.
Plan documents are also available from this screen.
If you need to correct anything from Open Enrollment, please contact me ASAP so that I can help you make any corrections.
Please call Stacey at ext 236 if you have any questions about your benefits.
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Attention Drivers!
Trailers 361800-361814 are HD trailers being dedicated to DANA PTI – HJI & DANA PTI to KTP. These are newer HD trailers that have been modified with roof, corner post, and wall protection. Please do not use these trailers for any other lanes. The shop is working on putting new dedicated decals on them now and they will soon be ready. Thank you for your continued hard work and drive safe.
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By now, everyone should be clocking in and out in Paycom and using the system to update personal information. If you have not logged in and/or need assistance, please email or call Stacey at ext 236. See below on how to perform tasks in the Paycom system.
Show Me How:
- Request Time-Off
- Request a Punch Change
- Approve My TimcCard (WEB)
- Approve My TimcCard (App Read-Only)
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By now, everyone should be clocking in and out in Paycom and using the system to update personal information. If you have not logged in and/or need assistance, please email or call Stacey at ext 236. Please check your spam/junk folder just in case any Paycom correspondence ends up there. You can click on the Paycom logo in the right hand corner of this page and you will be directed to the login page for Paycom.
Here are some upcoming Paycom items everyone needs to know:
- Vacation and PTO accruals are loaded into the system, however, we are still working on making adjustments with accruals. While we are working on those adjustments, you can still request time off in Paycom! Attached to this email are instructions on how to request time off. Keep in mind, when requesting Vacation it is paid at 10 hours per day and Personal is 8 hours per day. If you do not have any Vacation or Personal time available, you must request for a Unpaid day off instead. The system will not let you request Vacation or Personal time if you do not have the time available. When you request time off in Paycom, your request will go to your manager for approval and you will be able to track your request to see if it was approved or denied through the system. Always check your accrual balances before requesting. If you do not have a smart phone, you will be able to use the computer in the driver’s room at M&M. HJI, MI, and OH drivers will have access to a tablet at your terminal if it is needed. We are still working on getting tablets set up at some locations, so please use the “old” way of requesting time off if you do not have access to a tablet and cannot access Paycom through your phone.
- For offsite Employees—Paycom is still working on setting up the geofencing for clocking in and out on your phone. This means that you will have to be within a certain parameter of your terminal in order to be able to clock in and out. While they are working on this, you may come across times where you cannot clock in or out. When this happens, you will simply need to submit a time punch request.
- If you forget to clock in or out, you must submit a time punch request. If you clock in late or too early, you will submit a time punch change. All of this can be found under time management. Just click on your web time sheet (read only) and select the times that need to be edited or add your missing punch.
- Sleeper Drivers—You now have access to clock in and out on your phone. Please be sure to clock out for your 10 hour breaks.
- If anyone has any questions about clocking in and out, requesting time off, or just general Paycom questions…Please reach out to Stacey at ext. 236 or Jill at ext. 226
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Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Video
For the month of September, all employees will be required to watch a video on sexual harassment prevention. This will be added to your training in the Risk Management Center.
For Drivers – This is the same site that you watch your monthly safety videos.
For Shop – This is the same site that you watch shop safety videos.
For Office – You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the RMC going forward.
All employees are required to watch this video by the end of September. If you have trouble accessing the RMC, please contact someone in the Safety Department.
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Drivers entering order number information:
Please take the time to ensure you are entering all of the bill information correctly into the order number. Check the BOL, trailer number, etc before submitting. If you feel you have entered anything in error or are having issues entering, please call dispatch so they can correct it right away. If you feel you need additional training on arriving and departing, please contact someone from the Safety department.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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Uniform Allowance Program Update:
The uniform allowance program is temporarily suspended until further notice. We are working with vendors to get it back up in running as quickly as possible. Once back up, we will put a notice in the newsletter and send out an email to everyone outlining the new procedure. Thanks and stay safe.
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Drivers: Please make sure your elogs are certified daily. If you have elogs more than 8 days old that need to be certified you can visit www.pfmlogin.com and click on ELD Driver Portal login to access your logs. The organization ID is 1724 and then enter your PeopleNet username and password that you use in the truck to log in. If you have any questions please call Paula at ext. 276 or Troy at ext. 243.
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Drivers: Please remember to keep your logs certified daily. Log into the driver portal at www.pfmlogin.com and click on ELD driver portal to keep your logs current. Our organization ID is 1724 and then use your existing PeopleNet username and password. This includes any missing information like a missing location or odometer reading. If you have any questions please reach out to Paula at ext. 276 or Troy at ext. 243.
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As a reminder, please carry a mask with you at all times. Wear them into all customer facilities and then if it is determined to not be necessary, you may remove the mask then. Drivers from other companies have been turned away from customers for not wearing a mask and we want our drivers to always be prepared. If you do not have a mask, we will supply one for you. Thanks in advance.
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New procedures beginning Monday May 18th
Drivers and Office Employees:
Please keep a lookout for an email with information on our new mask wearing and temperature taking procedures that will begin on May 18th. Drivers – we will also be sending out information from our customers regarding their new processes.
Shop: Shop management will go over the new procedures with you before your shift.
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Please take care of your mental health, especially now.
Where to go for emotional support:
Reach out to family or a friend if you need emotional support. There are also free support lines and apps that are available to you. I have included a few below.
- The Optum Emotional Support Help Line at 1-866-342-6892 is free of charge and available to anyone, so you can share it with family and friends. Caring professionals will connect people to resources. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Sanvello is a smart phone app to help support and relieve your symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. They are offering free premium access through the COVID-19 crisis. Visit https://www.sanvello.com/coronavirus-anxiety-support/ for more information.
- If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
- If you are a Veteran and need to speak to someone, there are several options available to you. Please call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1) There is also a confidential crisis chat at VeteransCrisisLine.net Or you can send a text to 838255.
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Where to go for emotional support: Please take care of your mental health, especially now. Reach out to family or a friend if you need emotional support. There are also free support lines and apps that are available to you. I have included a few below.
- The Optum Emotional Support Help Line at 1-866-342-6892 is free of charge and available to anyone, so you can share it with family and friends. Caring professionals will connect people to resources. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Sanvello is a smart phone app to help support and relieve your symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. They are offering free premium access through the COVID-19 crisis. Visit https://www.sanvello.com/coronavirus-anxiety-support/ for more information.
- If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
- If you are a Veteran and need to speak to someone, there are several options available to you. Please call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1) There is also a confidential crisis chat at www.VeteransCrisisLine.net Or you can send a text to 838255.
Use Teladoc for Covid19 questions
If you think you’ve been exposed to the coronavirus, it’s important to reach out to a healthcare provider like Teladoc Health: Our doctors are always available by phone, video, and mobile app.
For patients presenting with fever and acute respiratory illness and symptoms, our doctors request a detailed travel history and contact history to assess COVID‐19 risk (e.g. known exposure to a person diagnosed with COVID‐19, recent travel in an area with an active outbreak, healthcare worker who may have increased risk of exposure). If a patient presents symptoms and risk factors consistent with COVID‐19, our doctors will help guide patients to the next step for care and testing as follows:
- We will contact the appropriate public health department in accordance with local reporting
requirements. The public health department may contact the patient directly to initiate diagnostic
testing, conduct contact tracing, and/or offer guidance on at‐home self‐monitoring, at‐home
supervised isolation, or quarantine requirements.
- While no specific treatment for COVID‐19 infection is indicated at this time, Teladoc Health care
providers will provide up‐to‐date, evidence‐based supportive care to relieve symptoms for affected
patients, addressing both physical and mental health needs. Most cases will be mild and safely
managed via an at‐home care plan. Home care will greatly reduce the chances of viral
spread. Patients are encouraged to contact us again, should they have follow‐up questions, or in the
event that their symptoms progress.
- If the patient would like to proactively pursue in‐person COVID‐19 diagnostic testing, we will advise
individuals to call the local doctor or their state’s public health hotline to verify test availability.
- For cases where in‐person care is needed, we will navigate patients to appropriate resources and
encourage patients to “let them know before you go” so that the in‐person care facility can direct
them appropriately and minimize potential exposure for others. If the patient needs to be seen and
cannot manage on their own, we will follow 911 protocol and our 24/7 support team will help
connect the physician, patient, and EMS to communicate that the patient could have COVID‐19.
If you have insurance with M&M, you can call Teladoc free of charge (HSA plan members will be reimbursed).
If you do not have insurance with M&M, you can still utilize Teladoc but you will be charged for the service. It is cheaper than going to an Urgent Care or Doctor’s appointment.
Call 1-800-835-2362 or visit Teladoc.com
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- Louisville drivers should turn in manifests everyday at the end of your shift to dispatch.
- Michigan and Ohio drivers should be turning in paperwork everyday at the end of your shift to your supervisor (Earl or Cliff). If you have any questions or need clarification on the process, please contact them.
- Indianapolis and Tennessee drivers should Transflo your work on a daily basis. Try to keep it to at least every 3rd day, only if you are not able to Transflo daily.
All manifests need to be turned in no later than Tuesday at 9AM of payroll weeks. This includes weeks with holidays. If this is not possible, contact Payroll at ext. 226. Any manifests turned in late could result in not being paid till the following pay period.
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Please take a moment and read the
M&M Cartage Winter 2020 Wellness Newsletter.
Go 365 Cards – New Wellness Program for 2020!!
For those of you on our insurance, you will be receiving cards in the mail from Go365. We are changing up our Wellness Program in 2020, and you will now have more ways to earn points throughout the year. When you receive your card, go online to Go365.com and register. Also, download the app on your smart phone so you can earn your points on the go! If you participated in the biometric screenings this past November, you will already have points when you first log in to Go365. You can earn points for preventative screenings, going to the gym, participating in challenges/events, etc. In addition to points, you will receive “bucks” which can be redeemed in the Go365 mall for gift cards and other merchandise. We will be sending out more information regarding this new program in the next few weeks. In the meantime, go ahead and register and check it out!
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Employee Quick Links