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Call us for a quote: (502) 456-4586

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Please see the attached notice regarding your pay during the COVID-19 issues and lack of work. If you have already filed for unemployment, you must report your wages earned for the weeks M&M continues to pay you.


Please take care of your mental health, especially now. Reach out to family or a friend if you need emotional support. There are also free support lines and apps that are available to you. I have included a few below. Where to go for emotional support:

  • The Optum Emotional Support Help Line at 1-866-342-6892 is free of charge and available to anyone, so you can share it with family and friends. Caring professionals will connect people to resources. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Sanvello is a smartphone app to help support and relieve your symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. They are offering free premium access through the COVID-19 crisis. Visit https://www.sanvello.com/coronavirus-anxiety-support/ for more information.
  • If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.


Also attached is information on financial planning during the COVID-19 crisis.

Stay safe and healthy,

Stacey Murphy, SHRM-CP
Human Resource Manager
M&M Cartage Co., Inc
Ph: 502.456.4586 ext. 236
Fax: 502.814.2295



Crisis Financial Planning  Coping with a Public Health Event  Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act)


M&M Cartage logo

P.O. Box 32068, Louisville, KY 40232
(502) 456-4586

Directions to our Office

  • Louisville, KY
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Detroit, MI
  • Morristown, TN

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